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我的點進去都已下這樣# This file allows specific AI control for certain monsters
# Syntax:
# <monster> <attack> <teleport> <search> <skillcancel> <lv> <joblv> <hp> <sp> <weight>
# <monster>:  Name of monster as found in monsters.txt (not case sensitive)
# <attack>:
# -1 means to leave the monster alone, even if it attacks you.
#  0 means to leave the monster alone, unless it attacks you.
#  1 means to always auto-attack this monster.
#  2 means always aggressive, auto-attack this monster when it appears, even if sitting.
#  3 means to attack the monster once (provoke) then leave it, useful for mobbing.
# <teleport>:
# < 0 (-1, -2, etc.) to set exact critical distance for this monster. Teleport, if the monster reaches it.
# 1 to teleport if the monster is on the screen.
# 2 to teleport if the monster attacks you.
#  -> This is only used in auto-attack mode!
# 3 to disconnect for 30 seconds if the monster is on your screen.
# >= 4 (4, 5, etc.) to set the time that will be disconnected (in seconds) if the monster is on your screen.
# <search>: Put a 1 to only attack the monster in the search mode.
# This is only used in auto-attack mode.
# <skillcancel>: Set to 1 if you want to interrupt spells casted by this
# monster.
# <lv>: Only auto-attack this monster if your level is higher than the
# specified level.
# <joblv>: Only auto-attack this monster if your job level is higher than
# the specified level.
# <hp>: Only auto-attack this monster if your HP is higher than the
# specified amount. The HP is not specified in percentage.
# <sp>: Only auto-attack this monster if your SP is higher than the
# specified amount. The SP is not specified in percentage.
# <weight>: Counts this monster as the specified amount aggressives. Supports floating point numbers (eg 1.8237402).
# Example:
#        (config.txt)
#        teleportAuto_minAggressives 6
#        teleportAuto_minAggressivesInLock 6
#        (mon_control.txt)
#        Hydra 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2
#        Merman 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
#        If there's five hydras and two sword fish attacks the BOT, it won't
#        teleport away since the aggressives are counted as 5*0.2 + 2*1 = 3
#        However, two marcs and two merman will make it tele away because
#        it sees 2*1* + 2*2 = 6 aggressives.
# Monsters not found in this file, or flags not specified will default to:
# <attack> = 1

##### Eggs #####
Ant's Egg 0 0 0
PecoPeco's Egg 0 0 0
Pupa 0 0 0
Thief Bug's Egg 0 0 0

##### Alchemist Summons ####
# Summoned Parasite
1555 0 0 0

# Summoned Flora
1575 0 0 0

# Summoned Hydra
1579 0 0 0

# Summoned Mandragora
1589 0 0 0

# Summoned Geographer
1590 0 0 0

##### Plants #####
Black Mushroom 0 0 0
Blue Plant 0 0 0
Green Plant 0 0 0
Red Mushroom 0 0 0
Red Plant 0 0 0
Shining Plant 0 0 0
White Plant 0 0 0
Yellow Plant 0 0 0

##### Homunculus #####
6001 -1 0 0
6002 -1 0 0
6003 -1 0 0
6004 -1 0 0
6005 -1 0 0
6006 -1 0 0
6007 -1 0 0
6008 -1 0 0
6009 -1 0 0
6010 -1 0 0
6011 -1 0 0
6012 -1 0 0
6013 -1 0 0
6014 -1 0 0
6015 -1 0 0
6016 -1 0 0

##### Mercenary #####
6017 -1 0 0
6018 -1 0 0
6019 -1 0 0
6020 -1 0 0
6021 -1 0 0
6022 -1 0 0
6023 -1 0 0
6024 -1 0 0
6025 -1 0 0
6026 -1 0 0
6027 -1 0 0
6028 -1 0 0
6029 -1 0 0
6030 -1 0 0
6031 -1 0 0
6032 -1 0 0
6033 -1 0 0
6034 -1 0 0
6035 -1 0 0
6036 -1 0 0
6037 -1 0 0
6038 -1 0 0
6039 -1 0 0
6040 -1 0 0
6041 -1 0 0
6042 -1 0 0
6043 -1 0 0
6044 -1 0 0
6045 -1 0 0
6046 -1 0 0

##### Monster Mercenary #####
# Mimic (Monster)
1191 -1 0 0
# Disguise (Monster)
1506 -1 0 0
# Alice (Monster)
1275 -1 0 0
# Wild Rose (Mercenary version, M_WILD_ROSE)
1965 -1 0 0
# Doppelganger (Mercenary version, M_DOPPELGANGER)
1966 -1 0 0
# Egnigem Cenia (Mercenary version, M_YGNIZEM)
1967 -1 0 0

##### MVPs and Dangerous Monsters #####
Amon Ra 0 1 0
Archangeling 0 1 0
Baphomet 0 1 0
BaCSOjin 0 1 0
Dark Illusion 0 1 0
Dark Lord 0 1 0
Detale 0 1 0
Doppelganger 0 1 0
Dracula 0 1 0
Drake 0 1 0
Eddga 0 1 0
Dark Snake Lord 0 1 0
Garm 0 1 0
Egnigem Cenia 0 1 0
Golden Thief Bug 0 2 0
Incantation Samurai 0 1 0
Lady Tany 0 1 0
Lord of Death 0 1 0
Maya 0 1 0
Maya Purple 0 1 0
Mistress 0 1 0
Moonlight 0 1 0
Mutant Dragon 0 1 0
Orc Hero 0 1 0
Orc Lord 0 1 0
Osiris 0 1 0
Pharaoh 0 1 0
Phreeoni 0 1 0
RSX-0806 0 1 0
Stormy Knight 0 1 0
Tao Gunka 0 1 0
Thanatos 0 1 0
Turtle General 0 1 0
Vesper 0 1 0
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