在外國論壇reddit看到的 (Quick question: Red text?) 大部分都像NPC用的greetings.
雖然有幾個滿無俚頭的 ._.a
[&AzEaAAA=] I'll have to finish this!
[&AzEbAAA=] Death claims me.
[&AzEcAAA=] Are you here to start trouble?
[&AzEdAAA=] Where's my spyglass?
[&AzEeAAA=] Tell someone about this.
[&AzEfAAA=] Seeking death?
[&AzEgAAA=] Knowledge is power!
[&AzEhAAA=] The wind blows foul.
[&AzEiAAA=] I need healing, seriously.
[&AzEjAAA=] Good riddance.
[&AzEkAAA=] I advance yet again.
[&AzElAAA=] Fixed. Focused. Concentration!
[&AzEmAAA=] They're so disposable.
[&AzEnAAA=] Where life goes, so too, should you.
[&AzEoAAA=] Your reputation precedes you.
[&AzEpAAA=] Harr.
[&AzEqAAA=] Excelsior.
[&AzErAAA=] Trouble, two legs?
[&AzEsAAA=] Good to meet you.
[&AzEtAAA=] United in victory.
[&AzEuAAA=] Seize the moment.
[&AzEvAAA=] My word is my honor.
[&AzEwAAA=] We all have a place in the Eternal Alchemy.
[&AzExAAA=] What?
[&AzEyAAA=] What?
[&AzEzAAA=] I serve Lion's Arch.
[&AzEBAAA=] For Ascalon!
[&AzECAAA=] If they don't get this under control, the whole neighborhood could go up.
[&AzEDAAA=] Son of Svanir
[&AzEEAAA=] No sign of the zalisco extract. Let's try the other huts.
[&AzEFAAA=] Dredge Mining Suit
[&AzEGAAA=] The Center Keep is being attacked!
[&AzEHAAA=] Something Lost, Something Gained
[&AzEIAAA=] It's more than a hobby.
[&AzEJAAA=] My time has come.
[&AzEKAAA=] Heretics!
[&AzELAAA=] Witness my true strength!
[&AzEMAAA=] This battle is over.
[&AzENAAA=] I won't go easy on you!
[&AzEOAAA=] Die!
[&AzEPAAA=] Don't cross us!
[&AzEQAAA=] I warned you.
[&AzERAAA=] See you in your nightmares!
[&AzESAAA=] Run away! Run!
[&AzETAAA=] Wait for it...
[&AzEUAAA=] Cover me!
[&AzEVAAA=] Conversion awaits!
[&AzEWAAA=] Who goes there?
[&AzEXAAA=] Fall before me!
[&AzEYAAA=] Run for now. I will find you.
[&AzEZAAA=] I will return.
[&AzE0AAA=] So many mysteries in the world.
[&AzE1AAA=] The Dream led me here.
[&AzE2AAA=] Ya bring me something?
[&AzE3AAA=] I'm always happy to see customers.
[&AzE4AAA=] Every day brings new faces.
[&AzE5AAA=] Victory through strength.
[&AzE6AAA=] Bear, give me strength.
[&AzE7AAA=] Well, you're prettier than a moot in the summertime.
[&AzE9AAA=] Overkill? I don't believe in overkill!
[&AzIaAAA=] No! Please, no!
[&AzMaAAA=] Get away from me!
[&AzQaAAA=] I warned you.
[&AzUaAAA=] Appropriate additional colleagues!
[&AzYaAAA=] Unprepared for... field duty!
[&AzBuAAA=] When I travel with others through dangerous territory, I am most likely to
[&AzBuAAA=] envy.
[&AzB/AAA=] Oceanside Ordnance
[&AzBeAAA=] Cleric's Jewel
[&AzBwAAA=] Thanks From The Frontier
[&AzBqAAA=] Vital Bronze Pistol
[&AzMaAAA=] Get away from me! ><
[&AzEqAAA=] Excelsior.
[&AzEBAAA=] For Ascalon! (._.?)