【軟體名稱】:McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7.0i Build 570
【軟體大小】:53.9 MB
全球最暢銷的殺毒軟體之一,McAfee VirusScan防毒軟體,除了操作介面更新外,也將該公司的WebScanX功能合在一起,增加了許多新功能! 除了幫你偵測和清除病毒,McAfeeVirusScan還有VShield自動監視系統,會常駐在SystemTray,當你從磁盤、網絡上、E- mail夾文件中開啟文件時便會自動偵測文件的安全性,若文件內含病毒, McAfeeVirusScan便會立即警告,並作適當的處理,而且支持鼠標右鍵的快速選單功能,並可使用密碼將個人的設定鎖住讓別人無法亂改你的設定.
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 可以保護您的桌上型和文件伺服器免受各種威脅,包括病毒、蠕蟲、特洛伊木馬程序,以及可疑程式碼和程序包含反間諜模組
McAfee AntiSpyware Enterprise 模組是 VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i產品的附加元件。此模組提供了額外的反間諜軟體存取保護規則集,以及檢查 Cookie資料夾中的Cookie、登錄及記憶體中執行之檔案的功能。VirusScan Enterprise使用其技術與上述功能來提供額外保護,以免於廣告軟體、間諜軟體及其他無用程式的危害。
*** Key Benefits :
- Integrated firewall and IPS technology - Addition of firewall andintrusion prevention technology delivers maximum proactive protectionin a single, integrated package
- Enhanced coverage for emerging threats - VirusScan providesprotection from the newest potentially unwanted programsecuritythreats (e.g., spyware), application-specific buffer overflow attacks,and blended attacks
- Lowered TCO during outbreak response – Advanced outbreakfunctionality closes the window of vulnerability before DAT files areavailable, limiting damage ●禁私人部落格● the entrance and spread of theoutbreak
- McAfee scanning technology – Award-winning McAfee scan engineperforms in-memory scanning to block threats such as Netsky andCodeRed, which don’t write their code to disk
- Centralized management and reporting – Integration with McAfeeePolicy Orchestrator and ProtectionPilot provides a complete securitymanagement solution, including detailed graphical reporting, from asingle console
*** Product Features:
- Comprehensive McAfee anti-virus protection
- Potentially unwanted program security
- Buffer overflow prevention (IPS feature)
- Complete outbreak response
- Port ●禁私人部落格●/lockdown (firewall feature)
- Application monitoring:emailengines (firewall feature)
- File ●禁私人部落格●, directory lockdown, folder/share ●禁私人部落格● (IPS feature)
- Infection trace and block
- Powerful memory scanning
- Centralized management and reporting
- Enhanced email scanning
- Protection from threats that use scripts
- Optimized for mobile users
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