作者: a5402264 時間: 2015-8-7 18:27
謝謝大大分享~ 我會好好使用的~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 作者: Isnall 時間: 2015-8-7 18:28
看看看看看看看看看看看看看看看看看看看看看作者: atu4401 時間: 2015-8-7 18:37
謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝謝作者: j3719 時間: 2015-8-7 18:38
感謝分享找很久了喔我愛妳喔謝謝分享喔喔作者: 夏魯魯 時間: 2015-8-7 18:40
Thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 作者: 隨波逐流的言靈 時間: 2015-8-7 18:45
謝謝!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!作者: 枯葉呆呆 時間: 2015-8-7 18:49
非常感謝你的努力 推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 作者: appledark 時間: 2015-8-7 18:54
3qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 作者: saq296757 時間: 2015-8-7 18:56
感謝大大分享~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~作者: dsfgdsfgdsf33 時間: 2015-8-7 18:56
{:2_375:}{:2_375:}作者: tkk001 時間: 2015-8-7 18:58
感謝分享感謝分享感謝分享感謝分享感謝分享作者: turbo3579 時間: 2015-8-7 19:01
gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood作者: z4261055 時間: 2015-8-7 19:02
RemoveListener should always be called on messages when loading a new level. Otherwise many MissingReferenceExceptions will be thrown, when invoking messages on destroyed objects.For example:1. We registered a "speed changed" message in a Level1 scene. Afterwards the scene has been destroyed, but the "speed changed" message is still pointing to the OnSpeedChanged message handler in the destroyed class. 2. We loaded Level2 and registered another "speed changed" message, but the previous reference to the destroyed object hasn't been removed. We'll get a MissingReferenceException, because by invoking the "speed changed" message, the messaging system will first invoke the OnSpeedChanged handler of the destroyed object. 作者: kt12152250 時間: 2015-8-7 19:03
感謝分享!不然的話新活動都打不了了!非常感謝!作者: dam聶風 時間: 2015-8-7 19:08
感作者: a1234987611 時間: 2015-8-7 19:15
想不到那作者: joejoeqwe 時間: 2015-8-7 19:15
Thxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthx作者: vinc3918 時間: 2015-8-7 19:19